**IMPORTANT NOTICE: In order to make a purchase through our store, you must first LOG IN to your account. If you are new to the site, you will need to CREATE AN ACCOUNT. If you prefer to make a purchase by cash or cheque, CONTACT US to make arrangements.
**REFUND POLICY**: Once a class or workshop is purchased and in session, we do not offer refunds regardless of circumstances. Rec Class packages may be transferable to another student if the student meets the criteria. There are no refunds on performance showcase tickets.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER MY PURCHASE? You should receive an email receipt from PayPal and/or WooCommerce- please retain these for your records! Since your payment confirms your spot, no further action is required. For recreational classes, we will automatically use the dancer name registered to your account. For showcase tickets, the physical copies will be available for pick up at the studio under the name of your PayPal account. Any tickets not picked up in advance will be available at the door on the day of the event.
If you have any questions prior to your class or workshop start date, please Contact Us.